
Matt Cottam: Wooden Logic

Matt Cottam is the founder of Tellart. Wooden Logic represents the first phase in a hands-on sketching process aimed at exploring how natural materials and craft traditions can be brought to the center of interactive digital design to give modern products greater longevity and meaning. It is only in the past decade or so that the community and tools have evolved to the point that designers can sketch with hardware and software; which before that was the sole domain of engineers and computer scientists. This project seeks to combine seemingly dissonant elements, natural, material and virtual, and explore how they can be crafted to feel as if they were born together as parts of a unified object anatomy that is both singular and precious.

Findings and Briefs

In March of 2009 Timo Arnall, Lennart Andersson, Matt Cottam, Adam Greenfield, Matt Jones, Jack Schulze and Mikael Wiberg spent a day lecturing at “Spring Summit 09:Sensing and Sensuality” and another day ideating around Cottam’s Masters Thesis. At the end of the ideation workshop, Jack and Matt J. present the findings and ideas from the conversation and sketching. Timo shot the video and chimes in from behind the camera and Cottam makes an appearance at the end.

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